Pizzo Alto

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Pizzo Alto

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From Premana to Pizzo Alto

You start from Sant’Antonio Church or from via Martiri di Cefalonia. You go up to Premaniga and then towards Cortese crest.

Distance and difference in level

Premana – Pizzo Alto. Ascent: 1590 m. Length: 7 km. Difficulty level: EE.
Premana-Premaniga-Solino-Premana. Ascent: 600 m. Length: 8 km. Difficulty level: E.
Premana-Premaniga-Solino-Deleguaggio-Premana. Ascent: 700 m. Length: 10 km. Difficulty level: E.

Premana - Descol, Pezzapraa
Starting from the top of Premana (from Sant’Antonio Church or from via Martiri di Cefalonia) you can choose to follow either the agro-forestry-pastoral road or the path; both of them pass by some pastures: Descol, Pezzapraa, Mosnich are small groups of buildings which used to host the livestock during winter. descol premana

Rural buildings at Descol with Pizzo Tre Signori on the background


La Casine at Pezzapraa

Pezzapraa - Premaniga
Going on after Pezzapraa, in a few minutes you reach a small chapel and then the mountain pasture of Premaniga, one of the biggest ones. Here you can have something to eat and drink at the Bar Ristoro Alpe Premaniga. Proseguendo oltre Pezzapraa in pochi minuti si raggiunge l’alpeggio di Premaniga, uno dei più grandi alpeggi premanesi. Promanighe premana  
Premaniga - Pizzo Alto
The route towards the summit continues on a more technical and steeper path, until Cortese crest (2200 m a.s.l.) and then to the summit of Pizzo Alto (2512 m a.s.l.). cresta cortese premana

Cortese crest


The Cross at the summit of Pizzo Alto

Pizzo Alto - Laghi di Deleguaggio - Alpeggio Deleguaggio
From Pizzo Alto you can go down on the other side of Cortese crest and pass by the Deleguaggio lakes (see the dedicated itinerary). After a short equipped stretch,the descent takes you to Alpe Deleguaggio and then to Premana.

Lago di sopra - Lago di sopra (“upper lake”)



Alpe Deleguaggio