Sport, singing, promotion of the territory…

Premana is a rich and alive village from an associative point of view.

Pro loco

The Pro Loco association is the most active association from a touristic point of view; it’s the association which invented and organises the event Premana rivive l’antico.

logo pro loco premana

Associazione Sportiva Premana (Premana’s sport association)

Associazione Sportiva Premana (ASP): this association organises sport activities, national-level races and courses of many different sports: athletics, cycling, volleyball, ski-mountaineering, football…


Coro Nives (“Nives” choir)

Coro Nives defines itself as a group of friends from Premana who share their passion for traditional premanese singing. They have a wide repertoire, from religious songs to light music. They do concerts in the area but also outisde of the regional borders and sometimes even outside of Italy.

logo coro nives premana

Corpo Bandistico Santa Cecilia (“St. Cecilia” Band)

The Corpo Bandistico Santa Cecilia plays at many religious and recreational events and usually they have a concert at the end of the year in the main Church and one during summer.


Associazione Amici del Museo (Friends of the Museum Association)

This association runs and organises the ethnographic musem, promoting many initiatives to link the past to the present.
